Plenary Sessions 

As is traditional at ICCS, a range of plenary speakers will offer their perspectives on diverse aspects of the field of Celtic Studies. We are delighted to announce that the following will be speaking at ICCS15:

Professor Emeritus Dòmhnall E. Meek

Anmoch a' Tighinn gu Ìre: Sgrùdaidhean na Ceiltis agus na Gàidhlig ann an Albainn
(The Late Developer: Celtic and Gaelic Studies in Scotland)

Dr Angharad Price (Bangor University)
Welsh Modernism, Germany and the First World War

Professor Gregory Toner (Queen’s University Belfast)
Celtic Scholarship in the Digital Age: Advances and Opportunities

Professor Catherine McKenna (Harvard University)
By the Book: New Ways of Thinking about our Medieval Manuscripts

Dr Eva Guillorel (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie)
Breton Ballads and Early Modern History

Professor Ian Ralston (University of Edinburgh)
Complexity and Fragility in the Early States of Iron Age Europe