Guidance for poster authors is available here.
The following posters will be on display in Hunter Halls all week (authors will be available for discussion by their posters on Thursday 16 July from 1100 – 1130):
Cormac Anderson (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan)
The Vertical Vowel System of Old Irish
Alice Blackwell (National Museums Scotland)
Scotland’s Earliest Silver: The Glenmorangie Research Project 2015–2017
Màiri Òg Koroleva (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Eòlas-sluaigh Innse Gall tro na 1760–80an | Demography of the Western Isles of Scotland in 1760–80s
Marco Martin (AST Associazione Studi Tardoantichi)
‘Posidonio d’Apamea e i Celti. Un Viaggiat ore Greco in Gallia Prima di Cesare’ (Rome, Aracne, 2011)
Elena Parina & Raphael Sackmann (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
A Parallel Corpus of English-Welsh Translated Texts (16–19th C.)
David Robinson (University of Glasgow)
The Onion Ring
Juliana Roost (Universität Basel)
Carvers in Contact: Gaulish and Runic under the Influence of Latin
Seumaidh Uallas (Social Media Alba)
Gàidhlig agus na Meadhanan Sòisealta: Sgrùdadh Latha Twitter na Gàidhlig agus Molaidhean do Bhuidhnean Leasachaidh | Scottish Gaelic and Social Media: Gaelic Twitter Day Study and Recommendations to Gaelic Organisations
Sophie Unterweger (University of Vienna)
Tanz den König Artus! Pop-cultural Reception of Celtic in Dark Scene Music Productions
Barbara Volfing (University of Vienna)
Celtic Impressions in Austrian Public Broadcasting
Charles Wilson & Margaret Deuchar (Queen Mary, University of London & University of Cambridge)
The English of Welsh-speakers: Extralinguistic Factors that Influence the Choice of Phonological Variant