Special Sessions

The academic programme includes 19 special sessions: 


Children’s Literature in Celtic Languages
Siwan M Rosser, Marginalised Childhoods: Welsh Children’s Literature
Caoimhe Nic Lochlainn, The Discourse of Corpus Creation: Translating Children’s Literature into Irish

‘Text and Meaning’: eDIL, Potential and Power
Dr Sharon Arbuthnot, The Scottish Strand in DIL/eDIL
Dr Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Changing History: eDIL as a Cultural-Historical Resource
Dagmar Wodtko, The Grammar in the Lexicon: eDIL Search and Research

The Cult of Saints in Wales
Eurig Salisbury, Editing Welsh Medieval Poetry to Saints
Alaw Mai Edwards, Buchedd Sant Andreas Apostol: The Middle Welsh Life of St Andrew the Apostle
Barry Lewis, The Background of Bonedd y Saint

Constructing the Frameworks of History: Past, Present and Future I & II
(I) Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Genealogies and Origin Legends: Contradictions, Subversions
Ben Guy, Framing the Welsh Past in the Genealogical Corpus of Thirteenth-century Gwynedd
Elizabeth Boyle, Salvation History in Medieval Irish Manuscripts

(II) Owain Wyn Jones, The Welsh Historical Continuum: The Development of a Canonical History of the Welsh
Mark Zumbuhl, Welsh History Books after an Age of Conquest: TCD MS 515
Nicholas Evans, Compilation and Cultural Exchange in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: The Writing of History in Historia Brittonum and Lebor Bretnach

Analysis of Bilingual Competence: Bilingualised Minoritisation of Gaeltacht Irish
Tamás Pétarváry, Descriptive Linguistics of Imbalanced Bilinguals
Brian Ó Curnáin, Measuring Bilingual Competence
Conchúr Ó Giollagáin, Addressing the Linguistic Disadvantage of Bilingualised Minoritisation

Celtic-Language Translations of Medieval Latin Texts
Lindy Brady, Origin Legends and the Reframing of History in the Lebor Bretnach
Georgia Henley, Translation and Exhumation: A Middle Welsh Version of Gerald of Wales’ Death of Arthur
Joshua Byron Smith, The ‘Faithful’ Translation of the Dingestow Brut

Memory and Christian Identity in Late Antique Gaul and Early Medieval Ireland
Antti Lampinen, Vicarious Memories of the Pagan Past in Late Antique Gaul
Alexandra Bergholm, Remembering the Very Special Dead: The Fates of the Apostles in the 8th-century Poem of Blathmac
Katja Ritari, Memories of the Past in the (pseudo)Historical Poems of Gilla Cóemáin

Referential Scales and their Impact on the Syntax of Brythonic Languages
Axel Harlos, Who did it? Identifying Arguments in Middle Welsh Historiographical Texts
Erich Poppe, Referential Scales and the Marking of Arguments in Middle Welsh Verbal-noun Phrases
Paul Widmer, Verb Semantics and Referential Properties in Middle Breton

Literature and Language on the March of Wales
Helen Fulton, William Herbert and Poets of the March
Geraint Evans, The Welsh March and the Welsh Diaspora: Rethinking the Origins of Welsh Writing in English
Simon Meecham-Jones, Code-switching and Language Contact in Manuscripts from the Welsh March

Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig san Latha An-Diugh - Seisean le Sgioba Rannsachaidh Shoillse I & II
(I) Marsaili MacLeod & Michelle MacLeod, Experiences of Learning Gaelic in Adulthood
Nicola Carty, Comasan Labhairt ann an Gàidhlig / Gaelic Adult Proficiency: A Framework for the Description and Assessment of Proficiency in Adult L2 Spoken Gaelic
Stiùbhart Dunmore, Luchd-labhairt Ùr, Gàidheil Ùr? Ideòlasan Cànain agus Leantainneachd Dà-chànanach am Measg Inbhich a rinn FTMG

(II) Inge Birnie, Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig ann an Roinn Phoblach
Cassie Smith-Christmas, Seachd Bliadhna de Phoileasaidh Cànain Teaghlaich
Ciorstaidh NicLeòid, Ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig mar Theaghlach: Cròileagan Dhùn Èideann agus Leasachadh na Gàidhlig ann Teaghlaichean le Clann Òg

Phonetic and Phonological Variation in Welsh
Iwan Wyn Rees, Phonological Variation Within Socially Uniform Groups in Mid-Wales
Jonathan Morris & Michaele Hejná, Linguistic and Extra-linguistic Constraints on Preaspiration in Bethesda Welsh
Sarah Cooper, A Resource for Exploring Socio-phonetic Variation in Welsh: The Paldaruo Corpus

Sin, Crime, Penance and Punishment in Medieval Ireland
Nicole Volmering, Sinning and Atonement in Medieval Irish Eschatology
Elaine Pereira-Farrell, Penance and Punishment in Early Medieval Ireland

Ex Oriente Inspiratio: Reflections of Ancient Near-Eastern Powerful Objects, Words, Gestures and Ideas in the Medieval Gaelic West 1 & 2
(1) Jay Johnston, Affective Images: Considering the Transmission of Image Agency from Coptic Ritual Texts to Insular Manuscripts
Mike King, Coptic Crosses and Ulster
Jonathan Wooding, The Materiality of the Otherworld Island

(2) Tatyana A. Mikhailova, Binding Spells in Love and Protective Magic: Charms from Egypt, Greece, Rome, Old Russia and Ireland – Origin Problems
Ilona Tuomi, Tradition and Innovation in Medieval Irish Charms: Identifying Near-Eastern Parallels
Jacqueline Borsje, Serpents, Saliva and Sight

Latin and the Medieval Celtic Languages 1 & 2
(1) Nike Stam, Accident or Strategy: Code-switching in the Commentary on the Félire Óengusso
Abigail Burnyeat, Social Contexts for the Bilingual Text: Bilingualism in the Medieval Irish Classroom

(2) Prof. dr Peter Schrijver, The Old Welsh Glosses in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 153
Tom De Schepper, Language Choice in Latin-Irish Codices
Bernhard Bauer, ‘Dictionary of the Old Irish Priscian Glosses’ - A Résumé

Celts Past and Present. Identity Discourses in ‘Celtic’ Nations
Manuel Fernandez-Gotz and Raimund Karl, Celtic Connections? Past and Present in Northern Iberia and Wales
John Collis, Why is ‘Celtic Art’ called ‘Celtic’?
Richard Hingley, Iron Age Heritage: Countering Celtic Perspectives

Material Culture and Gàidhealtachd History
Hugh Cheape, Cultar Dùthchasach: A Gaelic Approach to Material Culture Studies
Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart, Between Gàidhealtachd and Empire: Scottish Gaels and Imperial Trades
Gordon Cameron, A’ Pòsadh Coimhearsnachd ris na Creagan / Linking Community with the Crags

Celts in the West
John T. Koch, Phoenicians in the West and the Break-up of the Atlantic Bronze Age and Proto-Celtic
Kerry Cleary & Catriona Gibson, Across the Seas: Assessing Archaeological Evidence for Connectivity along the Atlantic Façade During the Late Second and Early First Millennia BC
Fernando Fernández Palacios, A Comparison of the Personal Names of the Atlantic Façades of the Iberian Peninsula and France in Ancient Times

Contact and Interaction between Insular Churches in the Viking Age
Clare Downham, Vikings, Churches and the Economy
Victoria Whitworth, Sculptural Evidence for Ecclesiastical Contacts Between Insular Churches in the Viking Age
Fiona Edmonds, The Céli Dé of York

Poets’ Panel: Writing in Gaelic in 2015
Pàdraig MacAoidh, ‘Gu Leòr?’: Contemporary Gaelic Poetry (in a Multilingual World)
Niall O’Gallagher, ‘Nach dìteadh an òglachas’: New Gaelic Poems in Classical Forms