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Thursday, 10 March 2011 15:52


Jim McCloskey (UC Santa Cruz)
‘Pronouns and Prosody in Irish’

Neil McLeod (Perth)
‘Irish Law and the Wars of the Túatha Dé Danann’


Marged Haycock (Aberystwyth)
‘Medieval Welsh Texts Today and Tomorrow’

Kim McCone (Maynooth)
‘Consonant Quality and Unstressed Vowels in Old Irish: u or non-u?’


Pádraig A. Breatnach (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
‘Irish Handwriting in the Seventeenth Century’

Elizabeth FitzPatrick (NUI Galway)
‘Finding the Schools of Gaelic Hereditary Learned Families in Later Medieval and Early Modern Ireland’


Peter Schrijver (Utrecht)
‘Pruners and Trainers of the Celtic Family Tree: the Rise and Development of Celtic in the Light of Language Contact’

Joseph Falaky Nagy (UC Los Angeles)
‘The Celtic Literary Love Triangle Revisited’

Last Updated on Thursday, 28 April 2011 13:09