- An expandable and fully searchable academic timetable is available here
- A flat-view timetable is available here
- An abbreviated A4 version of the timetable is available here.
The full Congress programme can now be downloaded as a PDF
Registration (Sunday 12 July)
- 1400 onwards: Self-catering accommodation check-in
- 1600 - 1900: Registration (Glasgow University Union (GUU))
- 1900 - 2400: Congress Club (GUU)
Monday 13 July
- 0815 - 0915: Late registration (Hunter Hall)
- 0915 - 1130: Opening ceremony (Bute Hall)
Opening Address (Professor Donald E. Meek: Anmoch a' Tighinn gu Ìre: Sgrùdaidhean na Ceiltis agus na Gàidhlig ann an Albainn / The Late Developer: Celtic Studies in Scotland)
Musical Performance (Allan MacDonald)
Conferring of Honorary Degrees - 1130 - 1200: Coffee
- 1200 - 1245: Plenary Lecture A (Professor Angharad Price: Welsh Modernism, Germany and the First World War)
- 1245 - 1300: Congress photo
- 1300 - 1430: Lunch
- 1330 - 1420: Network forum: Students and early career researchers (Room J: John MacIntyre 208)
- 1430 - 1600: Session 1
- 1600 - 1630: Coffee
- 1630 - 1715: Plenary Lecture B (Professor Gregory Toner: Celtic Scholarship in the Digital Age: Advances and Opportunities)
- 1715 - 1800: Assembly of Societas Celtologica Europaea (non-members welcome)
- 1900 - 2000: Civic reception (City Chambers)
- 2000 - 2400: Congress Club (GUU)
Tuesday 14 July
- 0930 - 1100: Session 2
- 1100 - 1130: Coffee
- 1130 - 1300: Session 3
- 1300 - 1430: Lunch
- 1300 - 1345: Workshop: Getting the most out of eDIL
- 1330 - 1420: Network forum: Teachers of modern Celtic languages (Room J: John MacIntyre 208)
- 1430 - 1600: Session 4
- 1600 - 1630: Coffee
- 1630 - 1800: Session 5
- 1900 - 2100: Reception (Govan Old)
- 2000 - 2400: Congress Club (GUU)
Wednesday 15 July
- Excursions
- 2000 - 2400: Congress Club (GUU)
Thursday 16 July
- 0930 - 1100: Session 6
- 1100 - 1130: Coffee. Poster authors available for discussion
- 1130 - 1300: Session 7
- 1300 - 1430: Lunch
- 1330 - 1420: Network forum: Teachers of medieval Celtic languages (Room J: John MacIntyre 208)
- 1430 - 1600: Session 8
- 1600 - 1630: Coffee
- 1630 - 1800: Session 9
- 1815 - 2000: Receptions (Hunterian Museum and Special Collections, University Library)
- 2000 - 2400: Congress Club (GUU)
Friday 17 July
- 0930 - 1015: Plenary Lecture C (Professor Catherine McKenna: By the Book: New Ways of Thinking about our Medieval Manuscripts)
- 1015 - 1100: Plenary Lecture D (Dr Éva Guillorel: Breton Ballads and Early Modern History)
- 1100 - 1130: Coffee
- 1130 - 1300: Session 10
- 1300 - 1430: Lunch
- 1330 - 1420: Network forum: Digital Celticists (Room J: John MacIntyre 208)
- 1430 - 1600: Session 11
- 1600 - 1630: Coffee
- 1630 - 1715: Plenary Lecture E (Professor Ian Ralston: Complexity and Fragility in the Early States of Iron Age Europe)
- 1715: Concluding remarks and Close of Congress
- 1900 - 2130: Congress dinner (Hunter Halls)
- 2000 - 0100: Congress Club (GUU)
- 2130 - 2400: Ceilidh dance (GUU)